Program Overview

2024 Teams

U9/U10 Jamboree Boys and Girls- $675 (includes bag and tournament fees).  Our Jamboree teams play in 4 tournaments (May- one tournament out of town, June- two tournaments in town, July- one tournament out of town).  We also participate in a few jamborees too.  Teams will also participate in the Northern League for additional games against local teams. 

U11/U12 Boys and Girls tournament only teams-$775 (includes first bag and tournament fees).  Our tournament only teams play in 4-5 tournaments throughout the summer.  (May- one to two tournaments out of town, June- one to two tournaments in town, July-one tournament out of town).  We also participate in a few jamborees and some teams will join the Northern League.   Season runs from February-July.

U13+ teams-$875 (includes first bag, MYSA fees and tournament fees).  Our MYSA teams will play 5 out of town games and 5 in town games against teams in the Twin Cities.  These teams will also play in 2-3 tournaments during the season and a few jamborees.  Season runs from February-July.